FY 2024 - 2025
Title: Improving Emission Rates Estimates of Commercial Marine Vessels
Institution(s) Represented: University of Houston (James Flynn), Ramboll (Chris Lindhjem), FluxSense (Jerker Samuelsson)
Title: Evaluating Updates to CAMx and NOx Emission Inventories using TEMPO Measurements over Texas
Institution(s) Represented: Ramboll (Johnson), George Washingon University (Goldberg), Saint Louis University (de Foy)
Title: Texarkana Intensive Campaign
Institution(s) Represented: Univ. of Houston (Flynn), Baylor University (Usenko and Sheesley), Aerodyne Research, Inc. (Fortner and Lerner)
Title: Improving WRF representation of coastal, marine, and residual boundary layers and quantifying the effects on ozone prediction
Institution(s) Represented: Univ. of Houston (Wang and Flynn)
Title: Novel Observations and Quantified Source Apportionment of Ozone, Particulate Matter and Contributing Precursors in the El Paso Area
Institution(s) Represented: The University of Texas at Austin (Misztal, Hildebrandt Ruiz, Sullivan, Mcdonald-Buller, Kimura)