FY 2010 - 2011
Title: Fort Worth (DFW) Field Study
Institution(s) Represented: The University of Texas at Austin - Vincent Torres
Title: State of the Science Assessment
Institution(s) Represented: The University of Texas at Austin
Title: Quantification of Hydrocarbon, NOx and SO2 Emissions from Petrochemical Facilities in Houston: Interpretation of the 2009 FLAIR Dataset
Institution(s) Represented: University of California at Los Angeles- Jochen Stutz, University of North Carolina- William Vizuete, Aerodyne Research- Scott Herndon, Washington State University- George Mount
Title: Airborne Measurements to Investigate Ozone Production and Transport in the Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) Area During the 2011 Ozone Season
Institution(s) Represented: University of Houston- Maxwell Shauck
Title: Environmental Chamber Experiments to Evaluate NOx Sinks and Recycling in Atmospheric Chemical Mechanisms
Institution(s) Represented: ENVIRON- Greg Yarwood, University of California at Riverside- William Carter, Smog Reyes- Gary Whitten
Title: Dallas Measurements of Ozone Production
Institution(s) Represented: University of Houston- Barry Lefer, Pennsylvania State University- William Brune
Title: SHARP Data Analysis: Radical Budget and Ozone Production
Institution(s) Represented: University of Houston- Barry Lefer, Pennsylvania State University- William Brune, University of New Hampshire- Jack Dibb, University of Miami- Xinrong Ren, University of California at Los Angeles- Jochen Stutz
Title: Wind Modeling Improvements with the Ensemble Kalman Filter
Institution(s) Represented: Texas A&M University- John Nielsen-Gammon
Title: Surface Measurements and One-Dimensional Modeling Related to Ozone Formation in the Suburban Dallas-Fort Worth Area
Institution(s) Represented: Rice University- Robert Griffin, University of New Hampshire- Jack Dibb, University of Michigan- Allison Steiner, University of Houston- Barry Lefer
Title: Development of Speciated Industrial Flare Emission Inventories for Air Quality Modeling in Texas
Institution(s) Represented: Lamar University- Daniel Chen
Title: Dry Deposition of Ozone to Built Environment Surfaces
Institution(s) Represented: The University of Texas at Austin- Richard Corsi
Title: NOx Reactions and Transport in Nighttime Plumes and Impact on Next-Day Ozone
Institution(s) Represented: ENVIRON- Greg Yarwood, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)- Steven Brown
Title: An Assessment of Nitryl Chloride Formation Chemistry and its Importance in Ozone Non-Attainment Areas in Texas
Institution(s) Represented: ENVIRON- Greg Yarwood, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)- James Roberts
Title: Additional Flare Test Days for TCEQ Comprehensive Flare Study
Institution(s) Represented: The University of Texas at Austin- Vincent Torres
Title: Factors Influencing Ozone-Precursor Response in Texas Attainment Modeling
Institution(s) Represented: Rice University- Daniel Cohan, ENVIRON- Greg Yarwood
Title: Quantification of Industrial Emissions of VOCs, NO2 and SO2 by SOF and Mobile DOAS
Institution(s) Represented: Chalmers University of Technology- Johan Mellqvist, University of Houston- Bernhard Rappenglueck