Title: Evaluating Updates to CAMx and NOx Emission Inventories using TEMPO Measurements over Texas

Institution(s) Represented: Ramboll (Johnson), George Washingon University (Goldberg), Saint Louis University (de Foy)

Lead PI: Jeremiah Johnson
AQRP Project Manager: Elena McDonald-Buller
TCEQ Project Liaison: Robert Keirstead


Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions are critical to ozone formation in Texas and consequently accurate NOx emission inventories are essential to air quality planning using the Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx). Previous work by our team showed that highly resolved (sub 1 km) NO2 column measurements by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE) Airborne Simulator (GCAS) aircraft can constrain the CAMx NOx emission inventory for Houston with source-category specificity. In this project, we will evaluate whether NO2 column measurements by the new NASA Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) satellite can constrain CAMx NOx emission inventories as successfully as the GCAS aircraft. At the same time, we will investigate how improving the CAMx NOx chemistry (i.e., particle nitrate photolysis), NO2 vertical distribution and soil NOx emission inventory influence CAMx agreement with measured NO2 columns. This project will determine how the new Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) satellite can be used for NOx emission inventory evaluation. Lessons learned and techniques developed for this project could be applied to other areas in the United States.

Workplan & QAPP
Technical Reports: PENDING UPDATE